"It is my great pleasure to greet you and, at the outset, congratulate you on the 3rd anniversary you are celebrating today. As the President of the country, but also as a passionate advocate for innovation and technological progress, I am proud of the achievements made in the previous period, as well as the diligence of this successful community. I am additionally proud of the fact that I had the opportunity to, as the Minister of Economic Development, follow your work from the very beginning and provide support on the path to becoming a significant economic actor, as you are now in our society.
The ICT sector represents one of the key pillars of modern society, and its competitiveness and innovation have a direct impact on the country's economic development. By coming together, a large number of IT companies have pooled their resources and knowledge to advance our IT industry, and thereby our country. I am confident that it is a true pleasure to know that you are leading the digital transformation and paving the way for some new companies to follow in your footsteps. Through your work, you are creating an innovative ecosystem and participating in the creation of policies and decision-making that concern a large number of companies in the IT sector."