The first ICT Cortex Football Tournament 

In Podgorica, on February 25th, the first ICT Cortex Football Tournament was held in collaboration with the IT company First Line Software. The main goal of the tournament, in which five teams participated – Coinis, Studio Bild, Data Design, Telemont, and First Line Software – was to promote healthy lifestyles and connect the IT community more informally.  The teams gathered around 40 players, and the tournament format involved playing one match against each other group to determine the winner based on performance. To respect the rules and provide professional refereeing, a pair of official Football Association of Montenegro referees were engaged on the field. After several relatively evenly matched matches, the best teams stood out. The first ICT Cortex football tournament winner was the Bild Studio team, with Telemont and Coinis taking second and third place, respectively. While member companies were engaged in a tense battle on the field, support was present from colleagues from competing and organizing companies and our youngest members at this tournament. Some segments that can characterize the recently held tournament are the more positive energy that characterized the teams themselves, a lot of laughter, and a profound competitive spirit that set new standards when organizing the next Cortex Football Tournament. For those who ran out of energy, Red Bull supported this event. This tournament is the first of its kind when it comes to ICT Cortex, and we would like to thank First Line Software and the “Čini dobro” Foundation for supporting the competition and contributing to its complete realization. This is just the first in a series of gatherings that we plan to organize, and we invite you to follow us on social media, where we will regularly inform you about our future activities.

The “StepUp with Cortex” project successfully finalized

The “StepUp with Cortex” project, which the ICT Cortex cluster implemented in cooperation with the Capital City of Podgorica, with the support of the Kingdom of Norway through the “Norway for you – Montenegro” project, was closed by marking the final event of the project on November 14, 2022. In the period from March to November of this year, five training programs were implemented, a total of 10 trainers were engaged, and about 100 employees from 12 companies underwent training; employees from the ICT Cortex executive office also successfully completed agile project management training; recommendations were made for improving the business environment for IT companies at the level of the Capital City. The following companies participated in this project: Alicorn, Amplitudo, Archimede, Bild studio, Codepixel, Codeus, Data Design, DigitalBee, Fleka, Logate, Omnitech, and Oykos Development. The final event of the project was attended by training participants, representatives of companies – project users, trainers, and lecturers, as well as representatives of the Capital City and ICT Cortex. The cooperation of the Capital City and ICT Cortex on this project is another confirmation of joint action aimed at improving the overall business environment and creating an innovative ecosystem for IT companies at the level of the Capital City, where conditions are created for the development of innovative products and their placement on international markets.

The “StepUp with Cortex” project of ICT Cortex and the Capital City of Podgorica improved the competitiveness of 12 small IT companies

ICT Cortex, in cooperation with the Capital city of Podgorica, realized the project “StepUp with Cortex”, which was supported by the Kingdom of Norway through the project “Norway for you – Montenegro”. The “StepUp with Cortex” project, which the ICT Cortex cluster implemented in cooperation with the Capital City of Podgorica, with the support of the Kingdom of Norway through the “Norway for you – Montenegro” project, in the period from March to November of this year, was aimed at improving and education of employees from 12 member companies, to improve competitiveness through the upgrading of institutional, administrative and organizational capacities and business skills of employees. The following companies participated in this project: Alicorn, Amplitudo, Archimede, Bild studio, Codepixel, Codeus, Data Design, DigitalBee, Fleka, Logate, Omnitech, and Oykos Development. The final event of the project was organized yesterday, which was attended by training participants, representatives of companies – project beneficiaries, trainers, and lecturers, as well as representatives of the Capital City and ICT Cortex. Chief Project Officer,, Ferida Mandić, emphasized the importance of this project. “The “StepUp with Cortex” project, in the period from March to November of this year, was aimed at the training and education of employees from 12 member companies, to improve competitiveness through upgrading the institutional, administrative, and organizational capacities and business skills of employees.” pointed out Mandić and added that the results of the training were very successful. “Five education programs were implemented, a total of 10 trainers were engaged; about 100 employees from 12 companies underwent training; employees from the ICT Cortex executive office also completed agile project management training; recommendations were made to improve the business environment for IT companies at the level of the Capital City.” Director of the Center for Information System of the Capital City, Džemal Lekić, pointed out that the administration of the Capital City is dedicated to the improvement of the sector of micro, small and medium enterprises, which is one of the key factors for accelerated economic development. “The ICT sector in the capital is recognized as one of the most important sectors for the future economic development of Podgorica because it supports all other sectors of the economy. In recent years, the administration of the Capital City has recognized digitization as one of the priorities in the development of Montenegrin society in terms of processes that can affect the improvement of the quality and standard of life of citizens. The goal is for ICT to become a strong sector of the economy that could become Montenegro’s leading export activity. Through the cooperation of the actors in the ICT community, there will be an increase in the number of employees, primarily professional staff, so the development and application of ICT are of crucial importance for economic development”, stressed Lekić. The project manager of the UNOPS office in Montenegro, Armen Čekić, pointed out that he was particularly glad that the ICT sector recognized the benefits of human resource development. “The development of human resources is the most important for the development of a company, and for the growth of the economy, which also entails the development of technology. So it should be continuously developed. I also hope that the others will follow this approach to their further development”, Čekić concluded. Trainer and NLP coach at NLP Network, Danka Ćetković, expressed her gratitude for the idea of such a project and emphasized that she is very proud of her students. “We hung out and worked together for three months, and at first it wasn’t easy, but over time we realized that the hidden goal was to connect, that we are not competing with each other, but supporting each other. The topics we covered were everyday ones that everyone needs. Especially in the IT sector, because the focus is on professional knowledge, and technological knowledge, to be the best programmers, and designers. That’s how it should be because the ICT industry is the bright spot of our economy. However, for it to be able to deliver everything that is expected, someone must also think about people. Who will develop all that, master it… Because it is an industry that changes very quickly, is very flexible, and prioritizes efficiency, short deadlines, and innovation. So we have to support people, work on their development, communication and negotiation skills, to overcome their fears, nervousness and the like”, described Ćetković. At the very end, participants were presented with certificates and certificates of completed training, where they shared their impressions from the training. A lot of interaction, group work, and exercises, as they said, facilitated the learning process and the acquisition of new skills and knowledge, and they recommend this type of education to people from different spheres because it is of great benefit to everyone. The cooperation of the Capital City and ICT Cortex on this project is another confirmation of joint action aimed at improving the overall business environment and creating an innovative ecosystem for IT companies at the level of the Capital City, where conditions are created for the development of innovative products and their placement on international markets.

Montenegrin delegation at the largest IT conference in the world – Web Summit

The Web Summit officially opened last night. About 70,000 people gathered to attend this four-day event, which will host over 2,600 startups and a large number of world-renowned speakers. Thanks to the support of the Capital City and ICT cluster Cortex, 8 startups from Podgorica will also have the opportunity to present their ideas, the winners of the Competition for the Support of the Startup Community, which has been announced by the Capital City for the second year in a row: Prezla, Flash, Dixi Digital, Spectro, Medpack, Flourish, Guidi, Tiramisu AKT. Cryptocurrencies, climate change, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are the topics that marked the opening of the biggest technological event. Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, drew the most attention when he talked about crypto-currencies and why he decided to invest in Twitter. The Montenegrin delegation is expecting three days of networking activities and many interesting lectures, and we hope that they will use as many opportunities as possible provided by the Web Summit.

Tender for support of STARTUP ICT business has been announced

That the signed Memorandum of Cooperation between ICT Cortex and the Capital City is not just a letter on paper is best demonstrated by the implementation of the planned activities. The first among them is the continuation of support for the development of the startup scene, which this year will also guarantee participation in the largest technology conference in the world – the Web Summit, which is organized in Lisbon from November 1-4. The Secretariat for Support to the Business Community of the Capital City has announced a Contest for STARTUP ICT business support, to which all legal and natural persons can apply and apply for the ALPHA or BETA program. The ALPHA program can be applied for by individuals or legal entities that were founded in the last 5 years with residence or headquarters in the territory of the Capital City and who want to start or develop their business ideas in the Capital City. A maximum of 3 participants (individuals or legal entities) who are among the winners of the previous Competition for the support of start-up businesses in 2021 can receive support for the BETA program. According to the Decision on the Budget of the Capital City of Podgorica for 2022, funds for EUR 40,000.00 are planned for these purposes, to support innovative products and services that are at least on the third level of the technological readiness scale (TRL3 – technology readiness level) in the areas of fintech; IoT (Internet of things); game development; health tech; smart technologies (cities, buildings, etc.); digital transformation (ERP systems, e-business, financial technologies, etc.); green ICT (reduction of emissions, energy saving, etc.); machine learning and artificial intelligence. The amount of funds that can be granted to one person under this competition is up to EUR 4,000.00 and can only be used for participation in the Web Summit 2022, whose topics are focused on IT and Internet technology and other types of new technologies. In addition to fulfilling the conditions of the Contest, the participants of the contest must also meet the quality standards prescribed by the Web Summit. The application form for the competition can be downloaded from the link, and the deadline for submitting applications is July 22. As a reminder, thanks to the initiative of the ICT Cortex cluster and the support of the Capital City, last year Montenegro had an unprecedentedly large delegation at the Web Summit, where as many as seven Podgorica start-ups were presented.

The Kingdom of Norway supported the ICT Cortex cluster project – “StepUp with Cortex”

Five projects aimed at increasing the competitiveness of small businesses in Montenegro through their transformation, among which the ICT Cortex cluster project – StepUp with Cortex, are supported by the Kingdom of Norway through the project “Norway for you – Montenegro”, which is implemented by UNOPS in partnership with UNDP. The “StepUp with Cortex” project, which the ICT Cortex cluster implements in cooperation with the Capital City of Podgorica, will be aimed at improvement and education in the field of business skills, in order to improve the competitiveness of our companies through strengthening the skills of employees. The companies that will participate in this project are Alicorn, Amplitudo, Archimede, Bild, Codepixel, Codeus, Data Design, DigitalBee, Fleka, Logate, Omnitech, and Oykos Development. “We will use the received donation in the amount of 50,000 dollars to strengthen the skills of over 100 employees in the members of the ICT Cortex cluster. The focus of the training will be on the development of knowledge and competencies in the areas of business communication, project management, sales, finance, and leadership. The IT sector and the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises form a pillar of the economic development of Montenegro, and we consider the capital city a very important partner for the development of the business environment and the creation of an innovative ecosystem”, said the director of the ICT Cortex project office, Ferida Mandić. “This project is a confirmation that by working together with the ICT cluster, we can improve the business environment for IT companies in the territory of Podgorica, where the conditions are created for them to develop innovative products from our city and place them on the international market,” added the director of CIS in the capital, Džemal Lekić. The project “Norway for you – Montenegro” will support entities that provide support for the development of small businesses in cooperation with municipalities, which will improve the operations of at least 70 small businesses, through the improvement of marketing and negotiation skills, the introduction of innovative approaches in the technological process, the improvement of business communication, project management, finance and leadership, the introduction of digitization, as well as the promotion of best practices for quality, safety and trust in the production of small businesses through the implementation of relevant ISO standards.