Study visit: Bosnia and Herzegovina
The period behind us was marked by a study visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ICT Cortex team together with representatives of the companies Amplitudo, Bild Studio, Čikom, and Simes Inženjering and accelerator Digital Den was in Sarajevo and Mostar from 6-9. December. Within four days of a condensed schedule, we visited leading IT companies and innovative organizations in Sarajevo and Mostar, the companies Atlantbh, Authority Partners, Bosnia, and Herzegovina Futures Foundation, Fondacija Mozaik, Isatis, Klika, NSoft, Ministry of Programming, Mistral, PING Software & Services, Symphony, Verlab, and Zira. Our hosts in Sarajevo were representatives of the Bit Alliance association, while in Mostar it was the Science and Technology Park Intera, where B2B meetings with IT companies from Mostar were organized. This study visit was an ideal opportunity to connect and exchange the knowledge of the representatives of our delegation with the most important actors in the ICT market of BiH.