‘Digital Skills – Key to Career Advancement’ The job fair titled ‘Digital Skills – Key to Career Advancement’ was organized on July 11th as the culminating event of the one-stop-shop program aimed at enhancing youth employability. The event was organized by ICT Cortex – the cluster for information technology, innovation, design, education, and technological development in Montenegro, along with the Technical Research Laboratory TechLab. Over the past 6 months, these organizations have conducted courses on digital skills as part of the aforementioned program. The one-stop-shop program is part of the project “Inclusive Progress towards EU Integration – Empowering Civil Society to Effectively Contribute to Inclusive Development of Local Communities,” implemented in Montenegro by Forum MNE in collaboration with the Center for Youth Education, with financial support from the European Union and co-financing from the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro. Over the past 6 months, 45 young people from the central region of Montenegro participated in a digital skills course. This program included training in digital marketing, project management, and product management. Concurrently with the digital skills program, these young individuals also received training in soft skills and career counseling. The program aimed to educate and empower youth, facilitating their faster and easier integration into the labor market. The event brought together participants of the one-stop-shop training program and nearly 50 employers from civil, business, and IT sectors. It marked the culmination of the educational program and the organizers’ efforts to showcase the skills and knowledge acquired by young innovative individuals. Participants had the opportunity to present themselves to employers through one-on-one conversations, receive advice for further career development, gain insights into labor market needs, and potentially secure employment opportunities. The event was opened by Jelena Novićević, Executive Director of FORUM MNE, who emphasized the significance of the one-stop-shop program for both young people and employers. She highlighted that the organization has been working on improving and strengthening the program since piloting the model five years ago. This includes capacity-building through small grants programs, creating a support system for NEET youth in Montenegro. Jelena shared results from previous projects, which involved over 150 young people, 8 employability courses, and engaged over 250 stakeholders. She also announced an upcoming call for the 4th generation of program participants, which will focus on the northern region of Montenegro. The attendees were also greeted by Brigitte Kuhar, representative of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro, who emphasized the importance of the state’s investment in quality education that aligns with the needs of the labor market. She highlighted the readiness of employers to provide young people with appropriate opportunities for work and professional development. “It will require efforts from everyone to offer young people in Montenegro a better life and prospects, and to enable the economy to develop its potential with the help of qualified workforce. The European Union is here to support you in this,” concluded Kuhar. Following the opening remarks, a panel discussion titled “What Employers Expect from Future Employees” took place, featuring guest speakers who were representatives from members of the ICT Cortex cluster. Vesna Vojinović, HR Manager at Tungsten Automation, praised young individuals who recognize the need for additional and continuous skill development right from the start of their careers, alongside formal education. She highlighted that by taking this proactive approach, they demonstrate excellent initiative, which future employers will surely value. She encouraged them to take away the message from the panel to always nurture their authenticity and stay true to themselves during job interviews, being aware of their values, qualities, and areas for improvement. She expressed confidence that they will continue to successfully develop professionally in ways that fulfill their potential and make them satisfied individuals. Violeta Đorđević, HR Manager at Logate, emphasized the importance of feedback for young people at the beginning of their careers to facilitate rapid progress along their professional paths. She also underscored that employers have a responsibility to foster a business culture that includes providing feedback in an appropriate manner. Aleksandra Bošković, CEO of Bild company, emphasized that the job market is constantly evolving, and that training in digital skills is crucial to prepare young people for entering the workforce. She highlighted the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone, continuous learning, tailoring resumes to meet employer needs, networking, and embracing opportunities for further development and training, as these actions drastically increase their chances of employment. After the panel discussion, there were one-on-one sessions with employers from civil, business, and IT sectors, where young individuals showcased their acquired knowledge and skills from the educational program and received advice for their further career development.
Announcement: International Day of Girls and Girls in ICT – Smart, Creative, and Talented – The Power of the Tech World

International Day of Girls and Girls in ICT – Smart, Creative, and Talented – The Power of the Tech World You can use inserted photos, video material and announcement: “International Day of Girls and Girls in ICT – Smart, Creative, and Talented – The Power of the Tech World “ Video Photo Announcement
The Regional Challenge Fund donated new computer equipment to the Vaso Aligrudić Secondary Electrotechnical School in Podgorica

A donation of 75 high-performance personal computers, purchased with a grant of 510,000 euros funded by the Regional Challenge Fund, was officially handed over to the Vaso Aligrudić Secondary Electrotechnical School in Podgorica for use in student training. The Regional Challenge Fund (RCF) enhances the sustainable competitiveness of enterprises in six Western Balkan economies on their path to the EU single market by funding vocational education and training (VET) institutions. It aims to address business needs for specific skills in collaboration with companies. The fund is financed by the governments of Germany and Switzerland, and investments are made in VET programs jointly designed by companies and VET providers from the region. Dr. Ralf Rojš, Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy in Podgorica, expressed satisfaction with the successful implementation of the project, indicating that the Embassy will continue to provide support, just as it has in the past. “I am proud that these projects are funded by the German Development Bank. Providing information technology resources is crucial for this school. It’s an initiative that requires time, but it opens many opportunities for the entire Montenegrin economy. Within this project, software and applications can be developed, and these are things that citizens use in their everyday lives,” Rojš noted. The Vaso Aligrudić Secondary Electrotechnical School has received grants from two different calls organized by the Regional Challenge Fund. The total value of their two projects is slightly over one million euros, focusing on training in web and mobile application development and implementing modern vocational training programs in solar energy and computer-related industries, such as 3D modeling. Today’s donation, valued at about 140,000 euros, includes computers, monitors, touch-sensitive interactive whiteboards, and projectors, with additional support for hosting services. The equipment will be used to train electrotechnicians in web and mobile application development, electronic communications, and installers of electronic communication infrastructure. Ersan Spahić, director of the Vaso Aligrudić Secondary Electrotechnical School, expressed gratitude for the valuable donation, noting that this school will now be one of the best-equipped in the country. “Imagine what an investment this is for Montenegro and what it means for our children to receive equipment that is currently among the most advanced in the world. I think this is the perfect moment to promote the school in the best possible way and for the students to understand that only knowledge and hard work can lead to a better economy and improved living conditions,” Spahić stated. In addition to purchasing equipment, the funds are also used for construction work and teaching materials. The school contributes with its own funds, bringing the total value of the entire investment to over 580,000 euros. Through the three calls opened so far, the Regional Challenge Fund has allocated 3.25 million euros to support a total of seven vocational education and training (VET) projects in Montenegro, with 40 partner enterprises involved. The funds are used to improve the infrastructure of five educational institutions and to train participants in cooperative education programs. Balša Ćulafić, project coordinator for RCF from the Chamber Investment Forum and coordinator for international cooperation at the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, congratulated the grant recipients and reminded everyone that the delivered equipment is a result of the implementation of a project from the first call of the Regional Challenge Fund (RCF). “Of the 508,000 euros that the Vaso Aligrudić School received, about 350,000 euros are allocated for equipment, 115,000 euros will be used for construction work, and around 10,000 euros will be spent on various types of materials needed for conducting the training sessions. The equipment we delivered today is valued at 140,000 euros, and I hope that we will soon be able to create conditions for delivering the rest of the equipment,” stated Ćulafić. We remind you that three new projects aimed at improving skills in Montenegro have received letters of intent for funding after the Fund recently selected the winning projects in the third cycle of its program. It is expected that a new call for grants from the RCF will be opened in the fall, inviting all vocational education and training institutions in Montenegro to apply with project proposals designed in partnership with companies. All information about the call, its requirements, and deadlines will be available on the project’s website and social media channels in due course.
Five vocational education and training institutions received grants for workplace training designed in collaboration with companies from Montenegro

Three new projects aimed at improving skills in Montenegro received letters of intent for funding today at a ceremony organized by the Regional Challenge Fund in Podgorica. The fund, supported by Germany and Switzerland, recently announced the winning projects in the third cycle of its program, which provides grants for vocational education and training (VET) programs jointly designed by companies and VET providers from the Western Balkans region. The complete list of awardees is available here. The Regional Challenge Fund (RCF) aims to enhance the sustainable competitiveness of enterprises in the six Western Balkan economies on their path to the EU single market by funding vocational education and training (VET) institutions. The goal is to collaborate with companies to address business needs for specific skills. “Through the three calls opened so far, RCF has allocated 3.25 million euros to support a total of seven vocational education and training (VET) projects in Montenegro, with 40 partner enterprises. We remain committed to contributing to the country’s economic growth by enhancing the skills and knowledge of young people, aiming to create a job-ready workforce that local companies need,” said Balša Ćulafić, project coordinator for RCF from the Chamber Investment Forum and coordinator for international cooperation at the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro. The third round of applications, organized last year, attracted 155 expressions of interest from across the region, with eight from Montenegro. The selection committee chose the three most successful projects in the country, with an allocated funding of close to 1.62 million euros. These funds will be used to improve the infrastructure of five educational institutions and to train participants in cooperative education programs. “From our perspective, the Regional Challenge Fund is a true model of success. It fosters direct collaboration between educational institutions and employers, ensuring that the curriculum offered by educational institutions precisely meets the requirements the job market demands from young people today. It contributes to opening attractive career prospects for young people in the Montenegrin job market and helps Montenegrin employers attract qualified workers. We are pleased that the German Federal Government, through the German Development Bank KfW, can provide the Regional Challenge Fund with a total of over 65 million euros for Montenegro and the Western Balkans, from which it can offer substantial seed funding for successful partnerships between educational institutions and businesses for their collaboration,” stated H.E. Peter Felten, German Ambassador to Montenegro. Today, 75 high-performance personal computers worth 140,000 euros, purchased through the Regional Challenge Fund, will be officially handed over to the Vaso Aligrudić Secondary Electrotechnical School in Podgorica for use in student training. The Minister of Education, Science, and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Anđela Jakšić-Stojanović, congratulated the grant recipients and expressed satisfaction that the awarded projects involve four vocational secondary schools from Montenegro. “Investing in education means investing in all positive societal processes, especially in the realm of vocational secondary education. Its improvement, through the development of professional competencies in collaboration with the private sector, directly impacts the alignment of supply and demand in the job market. Therefore, I consider the investment by the Regional Challenge Fund to be of significant importance for the education system, as it aligns with the reform goals of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation, one of which is certainly the further development of vocational secondary education,” stated Jakšić-Stojanović. Dr. Nina Drakić, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro, recalled that the Regional Challenge Fund (RCF) is a financial mechanism designed to enhance employability in the Western Balkans and highlighted the significance of the project for both our country and the region. “Why is this project of great importance for Montenegro and neighboring countries? Because both our country and neighboring countries demonstrate a need to strengthen the knowledge of employees in the economy. Because we increasingly realize that this is the only path to higher quality human resources, and because there is no economic competitiveness without practical education integrated into economic flows. I believe that Montenegro’s economy, and the economies of the neighboring countries, will progress even more through such projects, thereby moving closer to full EU membership,” stated Drakić. The director of the Vocational Education Center, Aleksandra Lalević, also attended the ceremony. “The Vocational Education Center strives for excellence and efficiency in vocational education, above all, creating an environment conducive to the development of innovative vocational education that enables comprehensive acquisition of competitive skills, competencies, and qualifications for employability, lifelong learning, inclusivity, personal development, and active citizenship of individuals”, concluded Lalević.
Cortex Village: Resolving Housing Issues for 115 Employees through the Synergy of ICT Cortex Cluster Members and Partners

Presentation of the Employee Housing Project in the ICT Industry Today, a press conference was held at the CUE Hotel, where the housing security project for employees in the IT industry was introduced. The project was attended by project partners and future residents of this housing complex. The housing security project was initiated by the private sector – 19 IT companies that will provide full support to their 115 employees and their families in resolving an important life issue. In this way, ICT Cortex, the cluster members, as well as project partners, contribute to creating an environment that will reduce the departure of IT professionals from Montenegro and enable them to have a better and safer future in their own country, stated ICT Cortex. “Thanks to the support of project partners NLB Bank and EUROZOX, conditions have been created for ICT employees to solve their housing issue with significant savings and numerous other benefits. The main goal of this project is to take care of the employees and create a better and higher quality environment in Montenegro so that young people will not leave,” said Natalija Hidić, representative of ICT Cortex. Due to the fact that experts in the ICT sector often seek new knowledge and higher income abroad, ICT Cortex has decided to offer a solution to the housing issue in order to demonstrate how much they value their workforce and strengthen cooperation in the future. “We have offered a housing security solution where member companies have accepted to take on the payment of all interest rates during the loan period, which will last from 20 to 25 years for interested employees. They will also provide promissory notes to banks and Eurozox, and we will try our best to help our colleagues and their families settle down and thus establish a stronger bond with our companies and Montenegro,” emphasized Vladan Tabaš, President of the Management Board of the ICT Cortex cluster. This noble idea was initiated over a year ago, and at that time, it was not clear what values this project would bring. However, over time, it has shown to bring many benefits thanks to the support of project partners. “When it comes to concrete financial benefits, there are three key aspects. One is the highly competitive price for the quality offered by the construction company Eurozox, extremely favorable conditions for housing loans offered by NLB Bank, and the third is the subsidy of interest rates offered by some companies to their employees,” explained Aleksandar Drekalović, the project manager at ICT Cortex. Thanks to these three strong pillars on which the project was built, there is an opportunity to create an ambitious project called Cortex Village, which does not follow the typical example of solving housing issues for employees. “The project aims to create new values such as humanity, unity, synergy, interaction, socialization, education, to provide employees, and future residents, with a completely new and healthier lifestyle. As for the location selection, what satisfied all our criteria was the zone within the detailed urban plan of Titex. The location is longitudinally oriented in the north-south direction, allowing for significantly better positioning of the buildings. It was important for us to concentrate the construction and provide as many open spaces as possible for various entertainment, sports, and recreational areas,” explained Miloš Laković, the project manager of Cortex Village. Laković reminded us that there will be 115 residential units in five buildings, with a total above-ground surface area of 12,500 square meters. Cortex Village will also include green areas, underground parking, a fitness center, a park, a playground, a community center, and spaces for children. The goal of the project is to bring numerous intangible values and integrate the village’s values into the urban environment. Such an idea has also been recognized by investors, the construction company Eurozox, which, as a socially responsible company, has decided to showcase construction standards through this project. “We believe that the Cortex Village project will significantly transform the immediate environment and, therefore, the perception of living in Podgorica as a whole, and beyond,” said Zoran Drobnjak, CEO of Eurozox. “We have designed the financing structure for future housing solutions in the best possible way and can guarantee not only now but also for the next 25 years. In addition to price, we have leveraged our experience and knowledge as the market leader in housing financing in Montenegro to structure the financing in the best possible way. This project will set new standards for sustainable housing construction and stimulate Montenegro’s overall innovation capacity. It is a visionary project, not only for Montenegro, and NLB Bank is proud to be a part of it, demonstrating our strong social responsibility. It is an honor for us to be a part of this team,” stated Martin Leberle, Chairman of the Management Board of NLB Bank. The architectural firm A12 contributed to the entire project with its conceptual design, which impressed all involved parties. “We are very proud of this project, which will soon come to light and start its realization, to the satisfaction of the entire team. The complex will consist of five residential buildings and a sixth one will be the Community Center in the heart of the complex. Care has been taken to provide ample open spaces for the residents of the complex. We have completed the whole story around the complex, and we can say that we have done a really good deed,” emphasized Slobodan Petrović, CEO of A12. The company Coinis has provided strong support to the Cortex Village project from the very beginning. Dejan Petković, the CEO of Coinis, testifies that the beginning was challenging but expresses satisfaction that they are now in a project phase where its successful destiny is already certain. “I believe that this project is just the beginning. In less than two years since Cortex’s inception, a community and synergy have already formed among all the companies. I am so happy and motivated because Montenegro is a leader
Job opportunity: Apply for the position of Social Media Manager!

The ICT Cortex cluster was founded with the idea of creating new business opportunities and contributing to the digital transformation of Montenegro through synergistic action, cooperation with our member companies, and presenting our country as an important destination for IT investments. Our executive office communicates daily with members of 35 member companies, but also with representatives of public institutions and the private sector, to create new values in the fields of technology, internationalization, talent development, and innovation. That is why we are always looking for great people who can bring new energy to our team, making us even better and more efficient! Who are we looking for? Social Media Manager Required qualifications and experience: Minimum of two years of work experience in similar positions Advanced knowledge of the English language Knowledge of managing and developing online communication channels College education (minimum Bachelor) What do we expect from you? Excellent communication skills and the ability to work in a team, but also to solve problems independently Creativity and attention to detail Willingness to take initiative Enthusiasm and creativity Adaptability to challenging circumstances and risks Responsible, detailed, and dedicated attitude toward work Ability to effectively solve problems and make decisions Team spirit, directness, and openness Stress tolerance and coping well under pressure Knowledge of the innovation ecosystem and ICT scene in Montenegro is desirable, but not necessary. What will your job be? Management of cluster social networks (accounts of ICT Cortex, Cortex Academy and Foundation Do Good) Preparation of communication plans and preparation of materials for campaigns Monitoring the creation of a visual identity for the needs of online communication Monitoring and improving the results of promotional and communication activities Administration of the organization’s website Communication with members and promotion of their activities through cluster communication channels Help in organizing and communicating about events Support in internal communication and other activities of the marketing sector, as needed. We offer you: An opportunity to meet all key stakeholders from the field of education, innovation, and IT sector in Montenegro, the region, and Europe This an exceptional opportunity to be the source of information, knowledge, contacts, and world trends The chance to constantly grow, develop and get out of your comfort zone Access to all courses and pieces of training by the most eminent local and global experts/organizations Daily contact and the opportunity to learn from professionals who have decades of experience in business, marketing, strategic planning, education, project management, IT An innovative work environment that includes the most successful Montenegrin IT companies and the most important partners of the innovation ecosystem The opportunity to visit the best technology festivals and the most developed innovative organizations in the world Financial conditions that are very stimulating for Montenegrin conditions Participation in the housing security program allows you to save at least 30% of the investment for the apartment Working on the latest equipment (MacBook, iPad, iPhone) A dynamic, dedicated, and innovative team – our employees say that one month of work at ICT Cortex is like 5 months of work elsewhere At Cortex, we do not waste paper, but use numerous modern tools for functioning every day, among others: Slack, Google Meet, JIRA, Confluence, Google Sheets/Doc/Forms. Do you love marketing and have social networks on your little finger? Use the opportunity to become part of the team and contribute innovative ideas to the development of the ICT Cortex cluster, but also the wider community! Send CV to contact@ictcortex.me Deadline for applications 01.07.2022. We are waiting for you!
Job opportunity: Apply for the open position of PM for education!

The ICT Cortex cluster was founded with the idea of creating new business opportunities and contributing to the digital transformation of Montenegro through synergistic action, cooperation with our member companies, and presenting our country as an important destination for IT investments. Our executive office communicates daily with members of 35 member companies, as well as with representatives of public institutions, to create new values in the fields of technology, internationalization, talent development, and innovation. That is why we are always looking for great people who can bring new energy to our team, making us even better and more efficient! Who are we looking for? Project manager for education programs and Cortex Academy! Required qualifications and experience: College education (minimum Bachelor) Good knowledge of the English language Minimum of three years of work experience What do we expect from you? Experience and expertise in leadership, project management Effective planning and organization Willingness to take initiative Adaptability to challenging circumstances and risks Developed negotiation and communication skills Responsible, detailed, and dedicated attitude toward work Ability to effectively solve problems and make decisions Ability to prioritize Enthusiasm and creativity Team spirit, directness, and openness Stress tolerance and coping well under pressure Knowledge of project management software is desirable, but not necessary Knowledge of the innovation ecosystem and digital transformation process in Montenegro is desirable, but not necessary. What will your job be? Planning and implementation of project activities Monitoring and control of project activities Communication with all partners (schools, professors, companies, representatives of the public and private sectors) and project users (pupils, students, citizens), field visits PR activities and participation in panels and conferences Formation of the budget and its monitoring and control Planning and scheduling project deadlines Control and supervision of quality and procurement process Risk management and project control to reduce potential negative events Constant monitoring and reporting of project progress to all stakeholders, especially management Monitoring activities on the critical path to avoid project delays Taking corrective and preventive actions to get the project back on track Project quality assurance Responsibility for the successful implementation of the project Project evaluation and assessment of results Searching for donors and securing additional funds for projects We offer you: The opportunity to change society for the better, set standards and trends in the educational and academic sector of Montenegro An opportunity to meet all key stakeholders from the field of education, innovation, and IT sector in Montenegro, the region, and Europe This an exceptional opportunity to be the source of information, knowledge, contacts, and world trends The chance to constantly grow, develop and get out of your comfort zone Access to all courses and pieces of training by the most eminent local and global experts/organizations Daily contact and the opportunity to learn from professionals who have decades of experience in business, marketing, strategic planning, education, project management, IT An innovative work environment that includes the most successful Montenegrin IT companies and the most important partners of the innovation ecosystem The opportunity to visit the best technology festivals and the most developed innovative organizations in the world The opportunity to present your knowledge, experience, and results at various conferences and in public performances Financial conditions that are very stimulating for Montenegrin conditions Participation in the housing security program allows you to save at least 30% of the investment for the apartment Working on the latest equipment (MacBook, iPad, iPhone) A dynamic, dedicated, and innovative team – our employees say that one month of work at ICT Cortex is like 5 months of work elsewhere At Cortex, we do not waste paper, but use numerous modern tools for functioning every day, among others: Slack, Google Meet, JIRA, Confluence, Google Sheets/Doc/Forms. Use the opportunity to become part of the team and contribute innovative ideas to the development of the ICT Cortex cluster, but also the wider community! Send CV to contact@ictcortex.me Deadline for applications 01.07.2022. We are waiting for you!
First recognition for the cluster in 2022

ICT Cortex was awarded for outstanding contribution to the development of voluntary blood donation. The ICT Cortex cluster is the recipient of an award for outstanding contribution to the development of voluntary blood donation for the year 2021, which was presented on June 14, 2022, at a ceremony on the occasion of the World Day of Voluntary Blood Donors. In just over a year of its existence, the ICT Cortex cluster, in cooperation with its member companies, and through the support of the “Čini dobro” Foundation, has implemented five voluntary blood donation campaigns. “Caring for the community in which we operate is one of the basic principles of the synergistic action of companies within the ICT Cortex cluster, and voluntary blood donation actions provide an opportunity to ensure a safer future for all citizens through a humane gesture.” – they announced from the executive office of ICT Cortex. In the future period, the socially responsible business segment of the ICT Cortex cluster will be realized through the newly created “Čini dobro” Foundation – a non-profit association that brought together successful Montenegrin companies – Amplitudo, Bild studio, Coinis, Codeus, Hipotekarna bank and UNIQA, to unitedly realize initiatives that will have a long-term effect on the entire community. “The focus of the future activities of the “Čini dobro” Foundation will be investing in healthy and progressive ideas, to empower the community through the support of projects in the field of education, support for the development of green initiatives, and the development of digital services. With the vision of becoming recognizable as initiators of changes in society, through the “Čini dobro” Foundation, we will be focused on creating measurable results, guided exclusively by philanthropic motives” – emphasized the ICT Cortex cluster. Following the growth of the IT industry in Montenegro, but also globally, the executive office of the cluster believes that through dedicated work, the Foundation “Čini dobro” will become recognized as an institution for financing and supporting great ideas and projects. For more details, visit the official website – www.cinidobro.me
Innovative activity as an imperative of economic growth

The need to intensify innovative activities for the economic and social progress of Montenegro is the main message of MeetUp Vol 8, which was held on May 25, and organized by the ICT cluster Cortex and the Montenegrin Chamber of Commerce. Comprehensiveness and sufficiency of the legislation adopted to establish and develop innovative activities, how the benefits and possible reasons for insufficient use of the potential offered by this legislative framework, as well as proposals on how to systematically improve and intensify innovative activities, were topics about which the panelists and participants had a constructive dialogue. Questions and concerns in this area, in a dialogue with the participants, were answered by panelists, who were active participants in the process of adopting, implementing, and using the incentives of this revolutionary innovative legislative framework: Marijeta Barjaktarović Lanzardi – Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Nenad Novović – President of the Assembly in ICT Cortex, owner of IT company Amplitudo, Velibor Bošković – Science Technology Park, Saša Ivanović – consultant UNDP, Bojana Femić Radosavović – Innovation Fund and Đorđije Brkuljan – Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis. A lot of potential beneficiaries of benefits as well as measures arising from the innovation legislative framework, namely: companies, startups, spinners, and other legal entities, scientific research institutions, centers of excellence and higher education institutions that perform innovative activities, inventors, innovators, and freelancers have been participants of this event. The conclusions from this successfully organized Meetup will be discussed and adopted at the working meeting, which will be held next week, in which the most important subjects of the innovation community will take a part. The topic of the meeting will also be the consideration and definition of priorities for the improvement of the ICT sector, and the entire innovative ecosystem, which will be presented to key decision-makers. If you were not able to follow Cortex meetup Vol 8, you can find a video of the event on our YouTube channel.
Digital transformation – road toward modern society

Digital transformation is more important today than ever, both for the modernization of the public sector and for the standardization of the private sector, which must follow global trends. It is important to always keep in mind that digital transformation, as complicated as it sounds, is not quantum physics but a vital need of all participants in society in order to improve both the quality of business and the quality of life of citizens. Digital globalization, which is a consequence of the continuous development of information technologies, affects the reorganization of society and the global economy, the transformation and emergence of new professions, and the creation of a faster and more efficient system. For this reason, digital transformation must be continuous and imperative. It is obvious that a lot has been done in Montenegro to establish a framework for electronic business (legal, strategic, and institutional), and to implement key e-Government projects (electronic fiscalization, eID…), but our system still does not reflect this and the question arises – why this dysfunctionality? The process of digital transformation must be accompanied by the building of digital skills. There is a large digital gap both among the younger population and among the entire population when it comes to the use of ICT technologies, therefore it is necessary to start from education and introduce the learning of ICT and digital skills within all levels of the education system, in order to have staff, not only with the mastery of digital skills but ready for a job market that is crying out for individuals of this profile. According to the compass presented by the European Union through the vision and path of digital transformation until 2030, four key points have been recognized – the development of skills, the existence of safe and sustainable infrastructure, the digital transformation of business, i.e. the economic sector as a carrier of economic development and the digital transformation of public administration with the goal of 100% of public services being digitized. The mentioned segments cannot be viewed independently, because together they form a complex whole, aimed at establishing a value system that will create a society in which citizens will be in focus, respecting basic rights such as freedom of choice, inclusivity, guaranteeing security, all with the aim of increasing participation and sustainability. In the past two decades, a large number of laws and by-laws concerning the regulation of the field of digital transformation have been passed in Montenegro, which is mostly harmonized with the legislation of the European Union. However, although the principles of action are clear and normatively defined in theory, the application in practice is different. For numerous permits and paperwork, you still need to physically go to the counter, most often in the famous “Limenka”. The time spent waiting for the necessary documents is usually measured in hours, and if we multiply all that by the number of individuals and legal entities that go through this process every day – we get an irretrievably lost unlimited amount of a key resource – time, and therefore money. Public administrations of advanced, technologically developed countries are increasingly opting for functioning models that are aimed at citizens and the economy, to optimize processes, and simplify and harmonize the provision of services with the real needs and expectations of citizens and the economic sector. Everyday communication between citizens and the public administration is inevitable, it requires time that we sometimes don’t have, and it often entails additional costs. Digitization of services and their personalization makes it easier for citizens to access services, making services more efficient, which indirectly increases the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration at all levels. Digitization of public administration achieves a higher level of accessibility to services, provides an opportunity for additional education of officials who will support citizens, ensures a high level of public service standards, increases the percentage of trust in institutions, and no less importantly – increases transparency and improves efficiency institutional reforms. The most advanced ways of providing public services today are those based on the principle of the “One Stop Shop” system. The model implies that more services are provided through a single electronic portal or a single administrative center – which ensures the satisfaction of citizens, with faster and more efficient closure of bureaucratic processes. The fact is that the digitization process cannot include all members of society and that there will always be a certain number of citizens, but also the type of services that must be implemented directly. However, what can be done in the aforementioned situations is to foresee the aforementioned during the optimization of services, that is, to enable that in such situations we always have trained officers available who can help in the realization of requests. What has been implemented in Montenegro so far and why are the processes stalling? We mentioned that in the previous period the normative framework concerning the application of digitization in business, i.e. the digital transformation of the business to start services from anywhere and optimize the business processes of all participants, both the public administration that provides services and citizens who have to provide public administration service. To exercise rights within several services – such as, for example, exercising rights to certain social benefits, a set of documents issued by another public administration institution is required. Such situations are not only demanding for service users, but also an additional burden for employees, and they also represent a risk when it comes to data protection. All of the above occurs as a result of the lack of interoperability, which in our country, although normatively recognized, is the burden of the citizens because in practice – it is almost not used at all. The first thing that should be abolished in the existing sequence of steps is the submission of documents issued by the public administration – to relieve citizens and speed up the process of processing requests as much as possible. Citizens would recognize such a procedure as the state’s
Job opportunity: Apply for the Office Manager position!

The ICT Cortex cluster was founded with the idea of creating new business opportunities and contributing to the digital transformation of Montenegro through synergistic action, cooperation with our member companies, and presenting our country as an important destination for IT investments. Our executive office communicates daily with members of 31 member companies, but also with representatives of public institutions, to create new values in the fields of technology, internationalization, talent development, and innovation. That is why we are always looking for great people who can bring new energy to our team, making us even better and more efficient! Who are we looking for? Reinforcement in the position of Office Manager! What do we expect from you? That you have experience working in similar jobs That precision and organization are the rule in your work, not the exception Responsible approach to work Good communication skills Willingness to adapt in case of unforeseen circumstances Initiative in work Openness to new ideas. What will your job be? Communicating with the executive office team, member companies, and of course – accounting Mastery of financial tracking software Preparation of financial reports Assisting all team members in performing administrative tasks Invoice management as an aid to the accounting department Office work. We offer you: Dynamic work environment Competitive earnings Opportunities for growth and development – education and certified training Flexible working hours Meal provided at work. Tools we use in our daily functioning: Slack Google Meet JIRA Confluence Google Sheets/Doc/Forms Use the opportunity to become part of the team and contribute innovative ideas to the development of the ICT Cortex cluster, but also the wider community! Send CV to contact@ictcortex.me Deadline for applications 15th of May 2022. We are waiting for you!
ICT Cortex signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports

Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Prof. Ph.D. Vesna Bratić and the Chief project officer in the ICT Cortex, Ferida Mandić, signed a Memorandum of Understanding today on the premises of the Ministry. On this occasion, Minister Bratić announced that the Strategy for Digitization of the Education System envisages the establishment of cooperation with the economy in order to promote IT occupations, order to encourage students to choose occupations that are promising, which are the needs of the labor market, and which are currently in short supply, as well as cooperation on the development and improvement of the digital competence of students and teachers. “The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports and the cluster of IT companies, ICT Cortex, defines cooperation in these fields. More precisely, this memorandum defines cooperation with secondary vocational schools in which the educational program Electrical Technician for the development of mobile and web applications or other educational programs in the field of IT is implemented; cooperation with secondary vocational schools in the form of organization of practical classes at the employer for students and training at the employer for teachers; cooperation with schools dealing with general secondary education in the field of student and teacher education; organization of competitions in the field of information and communication technologies in cooperation with competent institutions, the Center for Vocational Education and the Examination Center; promotion of qualifications, typical occupations and career opportunities in the field of IT among elementary and high school students; raising awareness of the needs and possibilities of education in the field of IT; creation of self-guided programming courses for the “Digital School”; creation of programs in the field of IT for professional training of teachers, as well as cooperation during the celebration of the International Day of Safe Internet and the International Day of Girls in IT”, Minister Bratić explained. The director of projects in the ICT Cortex cluster, Ferida Mandić, stated that the Cortex Academy is currently the most important project of the ICT Cortex cluster and that it represents the largest ICT education program in Montenegro. She pointed out that the courses are intended for different categories of participants, with an emphasis on young people, students, and high school students, and that for the first cycle of the Cortex Academy, as many as 1,292 applications were received, while the training started in February. “What makes us very happy is that there was great interest from high school students, especially from 6 municipalities: Bijelo Polje, Berane, Nikšić, Pljevlja, Rožaje, and Podgorica. We have 300 students from 10 schools who are now attending courses to acquire theoretical knowledge, and then they will do internships in one of the 13 member companies of ICT Cortex. That is why we are extremely glad to have signed this agreement with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, through which we will jointly implement activities within the Cortex Academy project, but also on all other projects in the field of education, over the next five years, all with the aim of that educational programs follow the needs of the labor market”, said Mandić.
ICT Cortex gathered the ICT community for the biggest informal meeting so far

Podgorica, PR press service – ICT Cortex begins the establishment of professional committees, which will strengthen the community through the association of experts from both cluster member companies and from numerous areas related to ICT. This was announced at the event marking the successful year of existence as well as the launch of professional committees, which was attended by over 150 representatives of the IT community from 29 member companies of ICT Cortex, as well as partners and associates of the organization. Milena Aković, coordinator of the professional committees, in front of ICT Cortex, said that in the previous year, the cluster managed to connect the economy, the academic community, and institutions and that it signed a contract with the state worth one million euros. “We received funds for internationalization and education. We have become members of numerous professional bodies. We secured a grant worth half a million euros for equipping the Vaso Aligrudić School of Electrical Engineering. We increased the number of members from 11 to 29. We launched numerous initiatives that we are particularly proud of, and which we will continue this year as well,” Aković said. It is planned, as she announced, to establish eight professional committees. “The goal of the board is to connect middle and top management, to act on the community, strengthen capacities within companies, but also to promote the profession. The first board we started is the board for HR and education, which consists of 12 members from IT member companies. In order to be a fully inclusive association, we will organize various focus groups and involve many of you to give your contribution”, said Aković. After the committee for HR and education, a committee for sales and internationalization will be established, followed by a committee for the empowerment of women in ICT. “What we plan to achieve with the boards is joint strengthening, launching of ideas and initiatives and to show through that segment that we can only do more with united forces.” – concluded Aković The president of the board for HR and education, Jelena Janković from the company Amplitudo, said that the goal is to create the best possible environment for all people working in the IT industry, to find all the problems that exist in the market and “to try to fix it”. Also, Janković expressed her hope that the gathering of employees from all member companies of the cluster will continue, and that there will be more similar gatherings. The sponsor of the event was Crnogorski Telekom, and the official part was followed by a party of the IT community with the Ribnica band, which was also supported by sponsors: Nikšićko beer, Red Bull, Coca-Cola, and G3 Spirits.
ICT Cortex is a true example of synergy

Podgorica, PR press service – ICT Cortex is a real example of synergy and shows that it is a strong sector, which is moving on an upward trajectory and which is well worth investing in, it was announced at the ceremony marking the first year of operation of that cluster. The president of the cluster assembly, Nenad Novović, said that a lot had been achieved in a very short time. “The professional association of companies in Montenegro is not that common, but in this case, I think it turned out very naturally,” said Novović. He presented the honorary accession to the cluster to the representative of the Ministry of Economic Development, Marijeta Barjaktarović Lanzardi. The President of the Management Board of the cluster, Sanja Gardašević, said that more than a year ago, the pieces of what is today ICT Cortex began to fall into place and that work is being done to achieve the six goals that 11 companies gathered a year ago. “First of all, we wanted to establish a professional inclusive organization, to implement education programs for both new and existing staff and to find a way to keep the existing staff, to work on the internationalization and strengthening of the potential of our products, to strengthen the innovation and competitiveness of the cluster members themselves, to influence the digital transformation of society and to implement programs of socially responsible business”, said Gardašević. “We signed a memorandum on cooperation with the Central Bank of Montenegro, we also achieved cooperation with the Capital of Montenegro, we connected with numerous organizations, universities, schools and business associations,” Gardašević pointed out. She also stated that an internship was conducted for high school students with the Vaso Aligrudić School of Electrical Engineering, and training was also organized for employed members of the association. “The crown of our work in the field of education is the Cortex Academy, which managed to unite all the education programs of the cluster members and provide an additional online form of education in five areas. We are extremely glad that we had 1,292 applications, which speaks of the great need for a program of this type and the great impact we can achieve through projects like this,” explained Gardašević. ICT Cortex today, as she said, has 29 members, and they have over 600 employees. “We estimate that the export of member companies participates in about 18 percent of the total export of goods of Montenegro for the year 2021. It is a strong sector, which moves on an upward trajectory. Total revenues have almost doubled over two years. We see that profits have increased, that exports have almost tripled, and that the number of employees is constantly growing, which all shows that this sector is very much worth investing in,” Garadšević pointed out. The executive director of the cluster, Tarik Zaimović, said that he is particularly proud because ICT Cortex is a true example of synergy. “We managed to connect directors and owners of companies very well. What we did not succeed in, and what was not even possible for the year, was to connect the people who carry the work. That is our plan for this year. We intend to open three committees, namely the Committee for Human Resources and Education, the Committee for Internationalization and Sales, and the Committee for the Empowerment of Women in IT,” said Zaimović. One of the capital projects, as he added, is a project to provide housing for 120 IT families, and the intention is to retain the best IT staff with this program, to provide them with savings of up to 45 percent for solving the housing issue, buying an apartment. “Also, we received a serious grant for half a million euros, which was earmarked for equipment at the Vaso Aligrudić School. We intend to do the second phase of infrastructural equipping of schools and we will decide that for Nikšić and Bijelo Polje. For this year, we intend to educate 300 high school students. We do that in six municipalities. At the same time, we train 15 professors and educate an additional 250 participants, who are young people and students, who are trained in member companies. The goal is to have 80 junior staff produced, of whom we will most likely hire,” said Zaimović. The plan, as he announced, is to visit Eastern, and Western Europe, and America in the coming period, all to find new jobs, and partners, open representative offices in Montenegro and increase exports. “This year, we intend to apply for a large tender and unite a large force of the best companies in Montenegro. Together with the Central Bank of Montenegro, we plan to organize the second Fintech conference and Hackathon. We are making plans with the Central Bank of Montenegro so that this year the Hackathon will be on an even bigger, regional level, and there will be a significantly larger fund for the best team and idea for the development of Fintech”, said Zaimović. The director of the Foundation “Čini dobro”, Aleksandra Bošković, said that “Čini dobro”, a non-profit association founded by ICT Cortex, aims to empower young people, invest in education, help with healthy innovative ideas and contribute to the digitization of society. “I am proud that throughout last year and 2020, we focused our work on the local community and on the segments of society that needed it the most. In the coming period, the Foundation will be mostly focused on education and will provide support to ICT Cortex in all the projects it will lead,” said Bošković. As she stated, the target groups are talented pupils and students, employees of the Foundation’s members, educational institutions, and organizations. “In the previous year and a half, we donated over 80 thousand euros, launched the website cinidobro.me, and increased the membership by three new members. We helped socially disadvantaged families and donated over 50 thousand euros. We reached almost 200 families, and we helped in the distribution of school equipment, textbooks, clothes,
An additional 200 thousand euros to support the development of the IT industry

The Ministry of Economic Development provided additional funds of 200,000 euros to support the ICT Cortex cluster for the segment of internationalization, implementation of educational programs, and mentoring services that will help the sustainability of the cluster. We remind you that at the end of last year, the Agreement on co-financing of the three-year ICT cluster program worth more than a million euros was signed, in which MER and IT companies, members of the Cortex ICT cluster, participate with equal amounts for implementation. This new cycle of support refers precisely to these segments, which represent complementary activities to the current contract. “And this support will contribute to strengthening the IT sector and creating conditions for the IT sector to become the backbone of the future development of Montenegro and a strong sector that will create leading export products,” said Milatović. “In addition, it will additionally strengthen the global connection of clusters, program activities to strengthen educational programs important for the improvement of digital skills, but also empower the cluster team to think long-term in the direction of self-sustainability,” the minister added. The executive director of ICT Cortex, Tarik Zaimović, expressed his gratitude for the support that the Ministry of Economic Development continuously provides to the ICT Cortex sector and the entire IT industry. “These additional funds will significantly help us to speed up work on all our capital projects, the goal of which is the professional training of young people, students, high school students, and professors,” he pointed out and added that “internationalization will help connect Montenegrin stakeholders and IT companies, which are key for an innovation ecosystem with international partners, organizations and IT companies through which we will upgrade our knowledge and bring new projects and partners to Montenegro”. ICT Cortex also sent an invitation to the Ministry to become a Friend of the Association, which was accepted with satisfaction, emphasizing that in this way stronger cooperation and partnership between the Ministry and the cluster will be achieved and that the Ministry will have the opportunity to get to know the implementation of the cluster’s activities directly. In the past period, the Ministry of Economic Development further strengthened the program direction of the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) through the adoption of the Operational Program for the period 2021-2024, which achieved a synergistic effect with the cluster policy, focusing on a set of new activities that effectively connect this policy with S3. In this sense, the special focus is on strengthening the activities of ICT clusters, intending to increase the productivity and competitiveness of domestic companies and entrepreneurs by connecting them into clusters, as well as strengthening the cooperation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs with scientific research organizations.